Availability Checks

In WHMCS 7.1 and later, domain registrar modules can take control of Domain Availability checks and lookups.

There are two supported functions: CheckAvailability and GetDomainSuggestions

Check Availability

The purpose of this function is to check if a domain is available for registration or transfer.

Input Parameters

In addition to the regular Common Module Parameters, the CheckAvailability function is passed the following input parameters.

Variable Type Description
searchTerm string The search term provided by the end user
punyCodeSearchTerm string For an IDN domain, the puny code encoded search term
tldsToInclude array An array of TLDs/extensions to perform the availability check for
isIdnDomain bool If IDN Domains are enabled for this WHMCS installation
premiumEnabled bool If Premium Domains are enabled for this WHMCS installation

For performance reasons, we recommending performing the lookup for all requested extensions at the same time if the registrar supports it.


The return of this function is expected to be an ArrayObject based collection of \WHMCS\Domains\DomainLookup\SearchResult results.

Each SearchResult object consists of an SLD and TLD, a status (available, registered, reserved) and optionally premium information such as Purchase Cost Price.

Code Sample

Please refer to the example provided in the Sample Registrar Module available via Github for an example implementation of the CheckAvailability function.

Get Domain Suggestions

The purpose of this function is to return a list of alternative domain registration suggestions based on the search term provided by an end user.

Input Parameters

In addition to the regular Common Module Parameters, the GetDomainSuggestions function is passed the following input parameters.

Variable Type Description
searchTerm string The search term provided by the end user
punyCodeSearchTerm string For an IDN domain, the puny code encoded search term
tldsToInclude array An array of TLDs/extensions to perform the availability check for
isIdnDomain bool If IDN Domains are enabled for this WHMCS installation
premiumEnabled bool If Premium Domains are enabled for this WHMCS installation
suggestionSettings array An array of settings and their values as defined in the DomainSuggestionOptions function


The return of this function is expected to be an ArrayObject based collection of \WHMCS\Domains\DomainLookup\SearchResult results.

All domains returned by the suggestions function should be available for registration.

Code Sample

Please refer to the example provided in the Sample Registrar Module available via Github for an example implementation of the GetDomainSuggestions function.