
Get business performance metrics and statistics.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
action string “GetStats” Required
timeline_days int (Optional) The number of days to retrieve timeline values for (max 90). Optional

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
result string The result of the operation: success or error
income_today float The total income today
income_thismonth float The total income this month
income_thisyear float The total income this year
income_alltime float The total income for all time
orders_pending int The count of pending orders
orders_today_cancelled int The count of cancelled orders with todays date
orders_today_pending int The count of pending orders with todays date
orders_today_fraud int The count of fraud orders with todays date
orders_today_active int The count of active orders with todays date
orders_today_total int The count of orders with todays date
orders_yesterday_cancelled int The count of cancelled orders with yesterdays date
orders_yesterday_pending int The count of pending orders with yesterdays date
orders_yesterday_fraud int The count of fraud orders with yesterdays date
orders_yesterday_active int The count of active orders with yesterdays date
orders_yesterday_total int The count of orders with yesterdays date
orders_thismonth_total int The count of orders for this month
orders_thisyear_total int The count of orders for this year
tickets_allactive int The count of active tickets
tickets_awaitingreply int The count of awaiting reply tickets
tickets_flaggedtickets int The count of tickets flagged to the admin user making the api call
tickets_open int The count of tickets in Open status
tickets_answered int The count of tickets in Answered status
tickets_customerreply int The count of tickets in Customer Reply status
tickets_closed int The count of tickets in Closed status
tickets_onhold int The count of tickets in On Hold status
tickets_inprogress int The count of tickets in In Progress status
cancellations_pending int The count of pending cancellations
todoitems_due int The count of to do items due
networkissues_open int The count open network issues
quotes_valid int The count of valid quotes
staff_online int The count of staff online
timeline_data int The historic daily counts for various metrics if $timeline_days was specified in call.

Example Request (CURL)

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
            'action' => 'GetStats',
            // See
            'username' => 'IDENTIFIER_OR_ADMIN_USERNAME',
            'password' => 'SECRET_OR_HASHED_PASSWORD',
            'timeline_days' => '7',
            'responsetype' => 'json',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = curl_exec($ch);

Example Request (Local API)

$command = 'GetStats';
$postData = array(
    'timeline_days' => '7',
$adminUsername = 'ADMIN_USERNAME'; // Optional for WHMCS 7.2 and later

$results = localAPI($command, $postData, $adminUsername);

Example Response JSON

    "result": "success",
    "income_today": "$5.95 USD",
    "income_thismonth": "$101.45 USD",
    "income_thisyear": "$485.21 USD",
    "income_alltime": "$2485.25 USD",
    "orders_pending": 7,
    "orders_today_cancelled": 1,
    "orders_today_pending": 2,
    "orders_today_fraud": 1,
    "orders_today_active": 4,
    "orders_today_total": 8,
    "orders_yesterday_cancelled": 1,
    "orders_yesterday_pending": 2,
    "orders_yesterday_fraud": 0,
    "orders_yesterday_active": 2,
    "orders_yesterday_total": 4,
    "orders_thismonth_total": 18,
    "orders_thisyear_total": 124,
    "tickets_allactive": 60,
    "tickets_awaitingreply": 5,
    "tickets_flaggedtickets": 3,
    "tickets_open": 3,
    "tickets_answered": 25,
    "tickets_customerreply": 2,
    "tickets_closed": 245,
    "tickets_onhold": 30,
    "tickets_inprogress": 0,
    "cancellations_pending": 1,
    "todoitems_due": 5,
    "networkissues_open": 0,
    "billableitems_uninvoiced": 1,
    "quotes_valid": 2,
    "staff_online": 1,
    "timeline_data": {
        "new_orders": {
            "2018-11-30": 8,
            "2018-11-29": 4,
            "2018-11-28": 3,
            "2018-11-27": 5,
            "2018-11-26": 7,
            "2018-11-25": 9,
            "2018-11-24": 2
        "accepted_orders": {
            "2018-11-30": 4,
            "2018-11-29": 2,
            "2018-11-28": 3,
            "2018-11-27": 4,
            "2018-11-26": 5,
            "2018-11-25": 8,
            "2018-11-24": 2
        "income": {
            "2018-11-30": "5.95",
            "2018-11-29": "10.17",
            "2018-11-28": "15.30",
            "2018-11-27": "18.90",
            "2018-11-26": "17.45",
            "2018-11-25": "10.28",
            "2018-11-24": "5.18"
        "expenditure": {
            "2018-11-30": "0.00",
            "2018-11-29": "0.00",
            "2018-11-28": "0.00",
            "2018-11-27": "0.00",
            "2018-11-26": "0.00",
            "2018-11-25": "0.00",
            "2018-11-24": "0.00"
        "new_tickets": {
            "2018-11-30": 5,
            "2018-11-29": 7,
            "2018-11-28": 10,
            "2018-11-27": 8,
            "2018-11-26": 4,
            "2018-11-25": 9,
            "2018-11-24": 12

Version History

Version Changelog
1.0 Initial Version
7.7 Added timeline_data parameter.