Adds an order to a client. For more flow control, this method ignores the “Automatically setup the product as soon
as an order is placed.” option. When you call this method, you must make a subsequent explicit call to AcceptOrder.
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Required |
action |
string |
“AddOrder” |
Required |
clientid |
int |
Required |
paymentmethod |
string |
The payment method for the order in the system format. eg. paypal, mailin |
Required |
pid |
int[] |
The array of product ids to add the order for |
Optional |
qty |
int[] |
The array of product quantities |
Optional |
domain |
string[] |
The array of domain names associated with the products/domains |
Optional |
billingcycle |
string[] |
The array of billing cycles for the products |
Optional |
domaintype |
string[] |
For domain registrations, an array of register or transfer values |
Optional |
regperiod |
int[] |
For domain registrations, the registration periods for the domains in the order |
Optional |
idnlanguage |
string[] |
For IDN domain registrations. The language code for the domain being registered |
Optional |
eppcode |
string[] |
For domain transfers. The epp codes for the domains being transferred in the order |
Optional |
nameserver1 |
string |
The first nameserver to apply to all domains in the order |
Optional |
nameserver2 |
string |
The second nameserver to apply to all domains in the order |
Optional |
nameserver3 |
string |
The third nameserver to apply to all domains in the order |
Optional |
nameserver4 |
string |
The fourth nameserver to apply to all domains in the order |
Optional |
nameserver5 |
string |
The fifth nameserver to apply to all domains in the order |
Optional |
customfields |
string[] |
an array of base64 encoded serialized array of product custom field values |
Optional |
configoptions |
string[] |
an array of base64 encoded serialized array of product configurable options values |
Optional |
priceoverride |
float[] |
Override the price of the product being ordered |
Optional |
promocode |
string |
The promotion code to apply to the order |
Optional |
promooverride |
bool |
Should the promotion apply to the order even without matching promotional products |
Optional |
affid |
int |
The affiliate id to associate with the order |
Optional |
noinvoice |
bool |
Set to true to suppress the invoice generating for the whole order |
Optional |
noinvoiceemail |
bool |
Set to true to suppress the Invoice Created email being sent for the order |
Optional |
noemail |
bool |
Set to true to suppress the Order Confirmation email being sent |
Optional |
addons |
string[] |
A comma separated list of addons to create on order with the products |
Optional |
addonsqty |
string[] |
A comma-separated list of quantities for addons that are associated with products. |
Optional |
hostname |
string[] |
The hostname of the server for VPS/Dedicated Server orders |
Optional |
ns1prefix |
string[] |
The first nameserver prefix for the VPS/Dedicated server. Eg. ns1 in |
Optional |
ns2prefix |
string[] |
The second nameserver prefix for the VPS/Dedicated server. Eg. ns2 in |
Optional |
rootpw |
string[] |
The desired root password for the VPS/Dedicated server. |
Optional |
contactid |
int |
The id of the contact, associated with the client, that should apply to all domains in the order |
Optional |
dnsmanagement |
bool[] |
Add DNS Management to the Domain Order |
Optional |
domainfields |
string[] |
an array of base64 encoded serialized array of TLD Specific Field Values |
Optional |
emailforwarding |
bool[] |
Add Email Forwarding to the Domain Order |
Optional |
idprotection |
bool[] |
Add ID Protection to the Domain Order |
Optional |
domainpriceoverride |
float[] |
Override the price of the registration price on the domain being ordered |
Optional |
domainrenewoverride |
float[] |
Override the price of the renewal price on the domain being ordered |
Optional |
domainrenewals |
array |
A name -> value array of $domainName -> $renewalPeriod renewals to add an order for |
Optional |
clientip |
string |
The ip address to associate with the order |
Optional |
addonid |
int |
The Addon ID for an Addon Only Order |
Optional |
addonidqty |
int |
The quantity of addons in an addon-only order. |
Optional |
serviceid |
int |
The service ID for the addon only order |
Optional |
addonids |
int[] |
An Array of addon ids for an Addon Only Order |
Optional |
addonidsqty |
int[] |
An array of quantities for an addon-only order. |
Optional |
serviceids |
int[] |
An array of service ids to associate the addons for an Addon Only order |
Optional |
servicerenewals |
int[] |
An array of service IDs to be on-demand renewed |
Optional |
addonrenewals |
int[] |
An array of service addon IDs to be on-demand renewed |
Optional |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
result |
string |
The result of the operation: success or error |
orderid |
int |
The Order ID for the created order |
serviceids |
string |
The Service ID(s) created by the order |
addonids |
string |
The Addon ID(s) created by the order |
domainids |
string |
The Domain ID(s) created by the order |
invoiceid |
int |
The Invoice ID created for the order |
Example Request (CURL)
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
'action' => 'AddOrder',
// See
'clientid' => '1',
'pid' => array(1,1),
'qty' => array(2, 3),
'domain' => array('', 'dómá'),
'idnlanguage' => array('', 'fre'),
'billingcycle' => array('monthly','semiannually'),
'addons' => array('1,3,9', ''),
'$addonsqty' => array('2,4,9', ''),
'customfields' => array(base64_encode(serialize(array("1" => "Google"))), base64_encode(serialize(array("1" => "Google")))),
'configoptions' => array(base64_encode(serialize(array("1" => 999))), base64_encode(serialize(array("1" => 999)))),
'domaintype' => array('register', 'register'),
'regperiod' => array(1, 2),
'dnsmanagement' => array(0 => false, 1 => true),
'nameserver1' => '',
'nameserver2' => '',
'paymentmethod' => 'mailin',
'servicerenewals' => array(3, 10),
'addonrenewals' => array(3, 10),
'responsetype' => 'json',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
Example Request (Local API)
$command = 'AddOrder';
$postData = array(
'clientid' => '1',
'pid' => array(1,1),
'qty' => array(2, 3),
'domain' => array('', 'dómá'),
'idnlanguage' => array('', 'fre'),
'billingcycle' => array('monthly','semiannually'),
'addons' => array('1,3,9', ''),
'$addonsqty' => array('2,4,9', ''),
'customfields' => array(base64_encode(serialize(array("1" => "Google"))), base64_encode(serialize(array("1" => "Google")))),
'configoptions' => array(base64_encode(serialize(array("1" => 999))), base64_encode(serialize(array("1" => 999)))),
'domaintype' => array('register', 'register'),
'regperiod' => array(1, 2),
'dnsmanagement' => array(0 => false, 1 => true),
'nameserver1' => '',
'nameserver2' => '',
'paymentmethod' => 'mailin',
'servicerenewals' => array(3, 10),
'addonrenewals' => array(3, 10),
$adminUsername = 'ADMIN_USERNAME'; // Optional for WHMCS 7.2 and later
$results = localAPI($command, $postData, $adminUsername);
Example Response JSON
"result": "success",
"orderid": "1",
"serviceids": "1,2",
"addonids": "1,2,3",
"domainids": "1,2",
"invoiceid": "1"
Error Responses
Possible error condition responses include:
- Client ID Not Found
- Unable to add order when client status is Closed
- Invalid Payment Method. Valid options include
- Addon ID invalid
- Service ID not owned by Client ID provided
- Domain status is set to ‘Pending|Cancelled|Pending Transfer|Transferred|Fraud’ and cannot be renewed
- Domain not owned by Client ID provided
- No items added to cart so order cannot proceed
- Expecting parameter ‘’ to be an array
- Service ID xxx can not be renewed at this time.
Version History
Version |
Changelog |
1.0 |
Initial Version |
7.8 |
Renamed productids response to serviceids . productids may be removed in a future version. |
8.0 |
Added IDN Language parameter |
8.6 |
Increase strictness of array/set data type parameters when requesting multiple ‘domaintype’ operations. |
8.8 |
Added servicerenewals parameter |
8.9 |
Added addonrenewals parameter |
8.12 |
Added qty parameter |
8.12 |
Added $addonsqty parameter |
8.12 |
Added $addonidqty parameter |
8.12 |
Added $addonidsqty parameter |