Displaying Balances

WHMCS 8.2 adds the ability to display payment gateway balances directly in the WHMCS Admin Area. By default, these balances are available for Stripe and PayPal Basic at Billing > Transactions.

By default, balance information will display in the Admin Area for admins with the Full Administrator role. To allow other admin roles to see balance information, enable View Gateway Balances for the desired role.

You can display the balances for other payment gateways through two payment gateway module classes: BalanceInterface and BalanceCollection.


Successful implementations of this functionality within a payment gateway module should resemble the example below: You can display the balances for other payment gateways through two payment gateway module classes: BalanceInterface and BalanceCollection.

Connecting to Gateways

Before you can retrieve balance information, connect to the desired gateway. For example:


use WHMCS\Module\Gateway\Balance;
use WHMCS\Module\Gateway\BalanceCollection;

 * @param array $params
 * @return BalanceCollection
function yourmodulename_account_balance(array $params = []): BalanceCollection
    $balanceInfo = [];

    // Connect to gateway to retrieve balance information.
    $postfields = [
        'account' => $params['apikey'],

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://www.example.com/api/balance');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($postfields));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);

    $balanceData = json_decode($response, true);

    // Add Balance objects as many times as needed for each gateway
    // balance type (most gateways will only have one).
    foreach ($balanceData['available'] as $availableData) {
        $currencyCode = strtoupper($availableData['currency']);
        $amount[$currencyCode] = ($availableData['amount'] / 100);

        // Add a Balance object using the default label and format color.
        $balanceInfo[] = Balance::factory(

    foreach ($balanceData['pending'] as $pendingData) {
        $currencyCode = strtoupper($pendingData['currency']);
        $pending[$currencyCode] = ($pendingData['amount'] / 100);

        // Add a Balance object overriding the default label and color.
        $balanceInfo[] = Balance::factory(
            'status.pending', //The default label is status.available.
            '#6ecacc' //The default color hex code is #5dc560.

    // The BalanceCollection object accepts an array containing any number of
    // Balance objects. Passing an item in the array that is not a Balance
    // object will cause a fatal error.
    return BalanceCollection::factoryFromItems(...$balanceInfo);

The Balance Class

After you connect to the gateway, add an object for the Balance class.

You can repeat this process as many times as needed for each balance type that the gateway supports (for example, Available and Pending). However, most gateways will only have one Balance type.

You can do this in two ways:

Using the default label and color

You must add an object for the Balance class using this method at least once.

foreach ($balanceData['available'] as $availableData) {
    $currencyCode = strtoupper($availableData['currency']);
    $amount[$currencyCode] = ($availableData['amount'] / 100);

    // Add a Balance object using the default label and format colour.
    $balanceInfo[] = Balance::factory(

Overriding the label and color

Adding an object that overrides the label, color, or both is optional. To override the label and color, add the desired label and hex color code as in the example below:

$balanceInfo[] = Balance::factory(
    'status.pending', // Default label is 'status.available'
    '#6ecacc' //default colour is #5dc560

The BalanceCollection Class

Next, add an object to the BalanceCollection class. It should accept an array of Balance objects.

If anything in the array isn’t a Balance object, WHMCS will encounter a fatal error.

// The BalanceCollection object accepts an array containing any number of Balance objects.
// Passing an item in the array that is not a Balance object will cause a fatal error.
return BalanceCollection::factoryFromItems(...$balanceInfo);

Required Permissions

By default, balance information will display in the Admin Area for admins with the Full Administrator role. To allow other admin roles to see balance information, enable View Gateway Balances for the desired role.