When developing modules for WHMCS, you can place a whmcs.json file in the module’s root directory to provide additional meta information that WHMCS will use in display of the Apps & Integrations pages.

A sample whmcs.json is provided below:

  "schema": "1.0",
  "type": "whmcs-notifications",
  "name": "email",
  "license": "proprietary",
  "category": "notifications",
  "description": {
    "name": "Email",
    "tagline": "Configure rule based notifications delivered by email.",
    "long": "Setup advanced rule based notifications for events and triggers that matter to you and receive those notifications to one or more email addresses.",
    "features": [
      "Setup rule based events and triggers",
      "Receive notifications by email"
  "logo": {
    "filename": "logo.png"
  "support": {
    "homepage": "https:\/\/www.whmcs.com\/", 
    "learn_more": "https:\/\/www.whmcs.com\/tour", 
    "email": "[email protected]", 
    "support_url": "https:\/\/support.whmcs.com\/",
    "docs_url": "https:\/\/docs.whmcs.com\/Notifications"
  "authors": [
      "name": "WHMCS",
      "homepage": "https:\/\/www.whmcs.com\/"

A brief description of each parameter and what it is used for can be found below:

Parameter Usage
schema The current version of the whmcs.json file structure.
type The type of module. The available types are: whmcs-addons, whmcs-fraud, whmcs-gateways, whmcs-registrars, whmcs-security, whmcs-servers, whmcs-notifications
name The name of the module.
license Which type of license the module is released under.
category The category in which the module should be organized.
description Additional parameters that describe the module.
description.name The display name of the module.
description.tagline A short summary description of the module.
description.long A more detailed description of the module.
description.features An array containing each feature that will display as a list of bullet points.
logo.filename The file that should be used as the module logo (500 pixel recommended width.
support.homepage A URL that links to the website homepage for the module.
support.learn_more A URL that links to a page with additional information about the module.
support.email The email address to contact to get support for the module
support.support_url A URL that links to a support desk or resources for the module.
support.docs_url A URL that links to the documentation for the module.
authors An array of objects that represent each author and a link to their website.
author name The name of the module author.
author homepage A URL that links to the module author’s website.

The logo.png file used for a module should not exceed 500 pixels in width. An example placeholder logo for reference can be found below:

Module Image Placeholder