Everything Else

The following hooks are provided for Everything Else related events.


Executes as an affiliate is being activated.


Variable Type Notes
affid int The new unique id for the affiliate (tblaffiliates).
userid int


No response supported

Example Code

add_hook('AffiliateActivation', 1, function($vars) {
    // Perform hook code here...


Executes when a user has clicked an affiliate referral link.


Variable Type Notes
affiliateId int The unique id of the affiliate that the link belongs to


No response supported

Example Code

add_hook('AffiliateClickthru', 1, function($vars) {
    // Perform hook code here...


Executes as affiliate commission is being applied to an affiliate to clear later.


Variable Type Notes
affiliateId int
referralId int The id of the referral
serviceId int The id of the referred service
commissionAmount float The amount of commission to be appplied
commissionDelayed bool Will the commission be delayed
clearingDate null string
payout bool Will this commission be applied to the affiliate commissions
message string The reason commission will not be applied if payout is false


Return boolean values to override ‘skipCommission’ or ‘payout’.

Example Code


//Skip applying the commission for affiliate 2
add_hook('AffiliateCommission', 1, function($vars) {
    $return = [];

    if ($vars['affiliateId'] == 2) {
        $return['skipCommission'] = true;
    return $return;

//Ensure commission is applied for affiliate 3
add_hook('AffiliateCommission', 1, function($vars) {
    $return = [];

    if ($vars['affiliateId'] == 3) {
        $return['payout'] = true;
    return $return;


Executes when an affiliate withdrawal request is submitted.


Variable Type Notes
affiliateId int The unique id of the affiliate making the request
userId int The user id of the user making the request
clientId int The client id being acted on
balance float The amount of commission the withdrawal request is for


Use the return to skip creating a ticket. Return a boolean value of skipTicket.

Example Code


//Do not open a ticket for affiliate 2
add_hook('AffiliateWithdrawalRequest', 1, function($vars) {
    $return = [];
    if ($vars['affiliateId'] == 2) {
        $return['skipTicket'] = true;

    return $return;


Executes after a product configurable options upgrade has been processed


Variable Type Notes
upgradeid int


No response supported

Example Code

add_hook('AfterConfigOptionsUpgrade', 1, function($vars) {
    // Perform hook code here...


Executes after CC details have been stored for a client or the remote storage functions completed.


Variable Type Notes
userid int
cardtype string
cardnum string Only if stored locally
cardcvv string
expdate string
cardstart string
cardissue string


No response supported

Example Code

add_hook('CCUpdate', 1, function($vars) {
    // Perform hook code here...


Executes as the amount of commission is being calculated


Variable Type Notes
affid int
relid int The id of the referred service
amount float The amount the commission is being calculated on
commission float


No response supported

Example Code

add_hook('CalcAffiliateCommission', 1, function($vars) {
    // Perform hook code here...


Executes when custom fields are being loaded


Variable Type Notes
fieldid int
relid int The related id for the field type.
value string


Override the value of the custom field returning the “value” key.

Example Code


add_hook('CustomFieldLoad', 1, function($vars) {
    return array('value' => 'overridden value',);


Executes when custom fields are being saved


Variable Type Notes
fieldid int
relid int The related id for the field type.
value string


Override the value of the custom field returning the “value” key.

Example Code


add_hook('CustomFieldSave', 1, function($vars) {
    return array('value' => 'overridden value',);


Runs prior to email being logged.


Variable Type Notes
userid int
date string Current timestamp
to string Comma separated list of recipients
cc string Comma separated list of CC recipients
bcc string Comma separated list of BCC recipients
subject string
message string
attachments array


Accepts a return of key/value pairs to override the parameters to be logged. Use the same names as the input parameters. Return abortLogging to abort logging of the email.

Example Code


//Do not log emails for userid 2
add_hook('EmailPreLog', 1, function($vars) {
    $return = [];

    if ($vars['userid'] == 2) {
        $return['abortLogging'] = true;

    return $return;

//Override the saved subject of the email for userid 3
add_hook('EmailPreLog', 1, function($vars) {
    $return = [];

    if ($vars['userid'] == 3) {
        $return['subject'] = 'This subject is overridden';

    return $return;


Runs prior to any templated email being sent.


Variable Type Notes
messagename string The name of the email template being sent
relid int The related entity ID for the email being sent.
mergefields array Original mergefield data


An array of key/value pairs to be made available as additional email template merged fields. To abort the sending, return the key/value pair abortsend=true

Example Code


add_hook('EmailPreSend', 1, function($vars) {
    $merge_fields = [];
    if (!array_key_exists('my_custom_var', $vars['mergefields'])) {
        $merge_fields['my_custom_var'] = "My Custom Var";
        $merge_fields['my_custom_var2'] = "My Custom Var2";
    if ($vars['messagename'] == 'My Message Name' && $vars['relid'] == 2) {
        //Stop the email from sending a specific message and related id.
        $merge_fields['abortsend'] = true;
    return $merge_fields;


Executes when editing an email template.


Variable Type Notes
type string The type of email template being edited.


an Array of key -> value pairs of merge fields

Example Code


//Output additional merge fields in the list when editing an email template
add_hook('EmailTplMergeFields', 1, function($vars) {
    $merge_fields = [];
    $merge_fields['my_custom_var'] = "My Custom Var";
    $merge_fields['my_custom_var2'] = "My Custom Var2";
    return $merge_fields;


Executes when updating currency exchange rates. All supported automatic update currencies are retured


Variable Type Notes
USD float
GBP float


An array of key -> value pairs to define or override additional exchange rates. The rate should be appropriate to the EUR currency.

Example Code


//Return an exchange rate for the XBT currency
add_hook('FetchCurrencyExchangeRates', 1, function($vars) {
    //Code here to fetch the the current exchange rate relative to EUR

    //Return exchange rate relative to 1 EUR
    return ['XBT' => 927.121,];


Executes as the Intelligent Search is being completed


Variable Type Notes
searchTerm string The term being searched for
numResults int The number of results to return


An array of additional search results. See example for array structure. A string response was supported in versions prior to WHMCS 7.7.

Example Code


add_hook('IntelligentSearch', 1, function ($vars) {
     * This is an example of array return for an Intelligent Search.
     * This format is supported in the blend WHMCS Admin Template.
     * Any template based on blend and updated to WHMCS 7.7+ is also supported.
    $searchResults = array();

    // look for exact matches in client notes field
    $result = \WHMCS\Database\Capsule::table('tblclients')
        ->where('notes', $vars['searchTerm'])

    foreach ($result as $client) {
        $searchResults[] = [
            'title' => $client->firstname . ' ' . $client->lastname, // The title of the search result. This is required.
            'href' => 'clientssummary.php?userid=' . $client->id, // The destination url of the search result. This is required.
            'subTitle' => $client->email, // An optional subtitle for the search result.
            'icon' => 'fal fa-user', // A font-awesome icon for the search result. Defaults to 'fal fa-star' if not defined.
    return $searchResults;


Executes when a link.php link is being used.


Variable Type Notes
linkid int The id of the link being followed


No response supported

Example Code

add_hook('LinkTracker', 1, function($vars) {
    // Perform hook code here...


Executes after an activity log entry has been created.


Variable Type Notes
description string
user string
userid int
ipaddress string


No response supported

Example Code

add_hook('LogActivity', 1, function($vars) {
    // Perform hook code here...


Executes prior to a notification being sent to allow for additional conditional criteria to be applied and manipulation of the notification message.


Variable Type Notes
eventType string ‘Ticket’, ‘Invoice’, ‘Order’, ‘Service’, ‘Domain’, or ‘API’
eventName string
rule \WHMCS\Notification\Rule Notification rule that has been matched.
hookParameters array
notification \WHMCS\Notification\Contracts\NotificationInterface


No response supported

Example Code


add_hook('NotificationPreSend', 1, function($vars) {

    $eventType = $vars['eventType'];
    $eventName = $vars['eventName'];
    $rule = $vars['rule'];
    $hookParameters = $vars['hookParameters'];
    $notification = $vars['notification'];

    // Perform additional conditional logic and throw the AbortNotification
    // exception to prevent the notification from sending.
    if ($eventType == 'Invoice'
        && $eventName == 'created'
        && (isset($hookParameters['invoiceid'])
            && $hookParameters['invoiceid'] > 1000)
    ) {
        throw new \WHMCS\Notification\Exception\AbortNotification();

    // If allowing the notification to continue, you can manipulate the $notification
    // object using the interface, WHMCS\Notification\Contracts\NotificationInterface.
    $notification->setTitle('Override notification title');
    $notification->setMessage('Override notification message body');



Executes when legacy payment details are being migrated.


Variable Type Notes
client \WHMCS\User\Client The Client Model


A gateway module name.

Example Code

add_hook('PayMethodMigration', 1, function($vars) {
    // Perform hook code here...


Runs prior to a client email being sent and allows selective removal of CC and BCC recipients.


Variable Type Notes
messagename string The name of the email template being sent
relid int The related entity ID for the email being sent
recipients array Array containing ‘cc’ and ‘bcc’ recipients. Each recipient will be an array containing ‘email’ and ‘fullname’ indices


An array with a ‘cc’ and ‘bcc’ list of recipients. Each recipient in those lists should be indexed with the original index hash as provided by $recipients argument. If an empty ‘cc’ or ‘bcc’ list provided, it will remove all ‘cc’ or ‘bcc’ recipients respectively. If the ‘cc’ or ‘bcc’ is omitted in the return, the original list will remain unaltered

Example Code

add_hook('PreEmailSendReduceRecipients', 1, function($vars) {
    // Perform hook code here...


Executes on checkout of an upgrade order, after the price calculation. The upgrade order may have completed already when this hook runs.


Variable Type Notes
clientId int The ID of the client for the upgrade order
upgradeId int The ID of the upgrade order
serviceId int The ID of the service for the upgrade order
amount float The upgrade order amount. A negative value denotes a credit calculation.
discount float The upgrade order discount.


Return ‘amount’ and/or ‘discount’ key with override price for the upgrade order.

Example Code

add_hook('PreUpgradeCheckout', 1, function($vars) {
    // Perform hook code here...


Executes when searching for a premium domain. The return can alter the registration & renewal costs, stop the domain being available for purchase or force the client to contact support.


Variable Type Notes
domainName string
tld string eg com in whmcs.com
sld string eg whmcs in whmcs.com
register float If a registration, the registration price of the premium domain
transfer float If a transfer, the transfer price of the premium domain
renew float The renewal price of the premium domain


Accepts returns to override register, transfer or renew pricing. Also boolean values of noSale or contactUs to stop the sale of the domain with different messages

Example Code


//Stop the Domain Purchase for this Premium Domain
add_hook('PremiumPriceOverride', 1, function($vars) {
    return ['noSale' => true,];

//Force the Client to Contact Support to Purchase Domain
add_hook('PremiumPriceOverride', 1, function($vars) {
    return ['contactUs' => true,];

//Override the Register and Renew Pricing & Skip Markup Application
add_hook('PremiumPriceOverride', 1, function($vars) {
    return [
        'register' => 150.00,
        'renew' => 200.00,
        'skipMarkup' => true,


Executes when a premium domain price is being automatically recalculated.


Variable Type Notes
domainName string The full domain name.
tld string The TLD of the domain (E.g. com in whmcs.com)
sld string The SLD of the domain (E.g. whmcs in whmcs.com)
renew float The current renewal cost of the domain before any applied markup.


This return is accepted to override the renewal price or skip applying markup. E.g. return array(‘renew’ => 50.00, ‘skipMarkup’ => true);

Example Code

add_hook('PremiumPriceRecalculationOverride', 1, function($vars) {
    // Perform hook code here...