
Updates an existing quote

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
action string “UpdateQuote” Required
quoteid int The ID of the quote to update Required
subject string The subject of the quote Optional
stage string The current stage of the quote (‘Draft’,‘Delivered’,‘On Hold’,‘Accepted’,‘Lost’,‘Dead’) Optional
validuntil string The date the quote is valid until in localised format (eg DD/MM/YYYY) Optional
datecreated string The date the quote was created in localised format (eg DD/MM/YYYY) Optional
lineitems array A base64 encoded serialized array containing the following keys: Optional
lineitems[x][id] int For $lineitems. The id of an existing line item. Omit for new lines Optional
lineitems[x][desc] string For $lineitems. The description of the line item Optional
lineitems[x][qty] int For $lineitems. The quantity of the line item being quoted for Optional
lineitems[x][up] float For $lineitems. The Unit Price of the line item Optional
lineitems[x][discount] float For $lineitems. The amount of discount to provide on the line items Optional
lineitems[x][taxable] bool For $lineitems. Is the line item taxable Optional
userid int If the quote is for an exising client, the client ID the quote is for Optional
firstname string The first name of the client the quote is for if no $userid Optional
lastname string The last name of the client the quote is for if no $userid Optional
companyname string The company of the client the quote is for if no $userid Optional
email string The email address of the client the quote is for if no $userid Optional
address1 string The address1 of the client the quote is for if no $userid Optional
address2 string The address2 of the client the quote is for if no $userid Optional
city string The city of the client the quote is for if no $userid Optional
state string The state of the client the quote is for if no $userid Optional
country string The country of the client the quote is for if no $userid Optional
phonenumber string The phone number of the client (no country code) the quote is for if no $userid. Local format eg 4035551234 Optional
tax_id string The tax id of the client Optional
currency int The id of the currency for the quote is for if no $userid Optional
proposal string The proposal text displayed to the end user Optional
customernotes string The notes on the quote displayed to the end user Optional
adminnotes string The notes on the quote displayed to the staff only Optional

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
result string The result of the operation: success or error

Example Request (CURL)

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://www.example.com/includes/api.php');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
            'action' => 'UpdateQuote',
            // See https://developers.whmcs.com/api/authentication
            'username' => 'IDENTIFIER_OR_ADMIN_USERNAME',
            'password' => 'SECRET_OR_HASHED_PASSWORD',
            'subject' => 'Test Quote Subject',
            'stage' => 'Draft',
            'lineitems' => base64_encode(serialize(array(array("id"=>1,"desc"=>"Test Description 1","qty"=>1,"up"=>"10.00","discount"=>"10.00",
"taxable"=>true),array("desc"=>"Test Description 2","qty"=>4,"up"=>"15.00","discount"=>"0.00",
            'responsetype' => 'json',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = curl_exec($ch);

Example Request (Local API)

$command = 'UpdateQuote';
$postData = array(
    'subject' => 'Test Quote Subject',
    'stage' => 'Draft',
    'lineitems' => base64_encode(serialize(array(array("id"=>1,"desc"=>"Test Description 1","qty"=>1,"up"=>"10.00","discount"=>"10.00",
"taxable"=>true),array("desc"=>"Test Description 2","qty"=>4,"up"=>"15.00","discount"=>"0.00",
$adminUsername = 'ADMIN_USERNAME'; // Optional for WHMCS 7.2 and later

$results = localAPI($command, $postData, $adminUsername);

Example Response JSON

    "result": "success"

Error Responses

Possible error condition responses include:

  • Quote ID Not Found
  • Invalid Stage

Version History

Version Changelog
1.0 Initial Version
7.7 Added tax_id parameter.