
Adds a client.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
action string “AddClient” Required
owner_user_id int The ID of the user that should own the client. Optional. When not provided, a new user will be created. Optional
firstname string First name of the client to be created. Also used for the first name of the user when owner_user_id is not specified. Required
lastname string Last name of the client to be created. Also used for the last name of the user when owner_user_id is not specified. Required
companyname string Optional
email string Email address of the client to be created. Also used for the email of the user when owner_user_id is not specified. Required
address1 string Required
address2 string Optional
city string Required
state string Required
postcode string Required
country string 2 character ISO country code. Required
phonenumber string Required
tax_id string The client’s tax ID. Optional
password2 string The password for the newly-created user account. Required when owner_user_id is not specified. Optional
securityqid int The ID of the security question in tbladminsecurityquestions. Required when owner_user_id is not specified. Optional
securityqans string The security question answer for a newly-created user. Optional
currency int Currency ID from tblcurrencies. Optional
groupid int Client Group ID from tblclientgroups. Optional
customfields string Base64 encoded serialized array of custom field values. Optional
language string Default language setting. Also used for the language of the user when owner_user_id is not specified. Provide the full name: ‘english’, ‘french’, etc…. Optional
clientip string The originating IP address for the request. Optional
notes string Admin only notes. Optional
marketingoptin bool Whether the client should opt-in to receiving marketing emails. Optional
noemail bool Whether to send the client a welcome email. A true value will not send the email. Optional
skipvalidation bool Whether to enforce required fields. A true value will not enforce required fields. This does not apply to email and password2 when owner_user_id is not specified. Optional
cardtype string Credit card type. Provide full name: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc…. Deprecated
cardnum string Credit card number. Deprecated
expdate string Format: MMYY. Deprecated
startdate string Format: MMYY (if applicable). Deprecated
issuenumber string Credit card issue number (if applicable). Deprecated
cvv string Credit card CVV number (will not be stored). Deprecated

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
result string The result of the operation: success or error

Example Request (CURL)

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
            'action' => 'AddClient',
            // See
            'username' => 'IDENTIFIER_OR_ADMIN_USERNAME',
            'password' => 'SECRET_OR_HASHED_PASSWORD',
            'firstname' => 'John',
            'lastname' => 'Doe',
            'email' => '[email protected]',
            'address1' => '123 Main Street',
            'city' => 'Anytown',
            'state' => 'State',
            'postcode' => '12345',
            'country' => 'US',
            'phonenumber' => '800-555-1234',
            'password2' => 'password',
            'clientip' => '',
            'responsetype' => 'json',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = curl_exec($ch);

Example Request (Local API)

$command = 'AddClient';
$postData = array(
    'firstname' => 'John',
    'lastname' => 'Doe',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'address1' => '123 Main Street',
    'city' => 'Anytown',
    'state' => 'State',
    'postcode' => '12345',
    'country' => 'US',
    'phonenumber' => '800-555-1234',
    'password2' => 'password',
    'clientip' => '',
$adminUsername = 'ADMIN_USERNAME'; // Optional for WHMCS 7.2 and later

$results = localAPI($command, $postData, $adminUsername);

Example Response JSON

    "result": "success",
    "clientid": "1"

Warning Responses

Warning responses are returned when using API functionality that has been removed or marked as deprecated. We suggest following any recommended actions in the warning to ensure future compatibility.

Possible warning messages include:

  • Credit card related parameters are now deprecated and may be removed in a future version. Use AddPayMethod instead.

Error Responses

Possible error condition responses include:

  • Invalid Owner User ID
  • You did not enter your first name
  • You did not enter your last name
  • You did not enter your email address
  • The email address you entered was not valid
  • You did not enter your email address
  • You did not enter your address line 1
  • You did not enter your city
  • You did not enter your state
  • You did not enter your postcode
  • Valid country required
  • You did not enter your phone number
  • Invalid telephone phone number
  • You did not provide required custom field value for
  • The email address entered is not available for use.
  • A user already exists with that email address

Version History

Version Changelog
1.0 Initial Version
7.7 Added tax_id parameter.
7.8 Credit card related parameters are now deprecated and may be removed in a future version. Use AddPayMethod instead.
8.0 Added ‘owner_user_id’ parameter.